
Explore some of the tools that we use and a few of the videos and images that we've captured

Canis pair taking turns feeding on a deer carcass in Northern Maine

Our engineer Jim passing a trail cam after deploying a custom camera trap

A lone howl heard in the background

The beginning of a howl

Non-vocal clip

A pup in late December

A deployed trail camera

Black bear, moose, deer, Canada lynx, fisher, and more are also frequently seen on our cameras. CLICK HERE to see a few of them.

Reaction to a close by howl

Out of the darkness

Winter Canis

A great example of typical howls in northern Maine

Summer 2024

Summer 2024 larger packmate

5 pups born to a pack we monitor


A red fox reacts to Canis howls

A specialized close-focus cam we use, equipped with Pale Blue batteries. We tested these advanced and supposedly environmentally friendly batteries but unfortunately because of a low mAh rating and non-use self-drain characteristics, they are not a fit for us.

Drone clips showing part of the territory of one of the packs we are studying. Maine North Woods is 3.5 million acres of almost completely uninhabited forest bordering this study area, 80 miles give or take to the Canadian border. September 30, 2024.

Jennnifer and Jerre  getting ready to venture into the woods several miles to service some trail cameras in winter 2023. The snow gets quite deep in northern Maine and some of our study areas are extremely remote. Winter access is a challenge - an admittedly fun one at that. We also use standard AWD ATVs and snowmobiles where needed.  (Above)

One of this year's (2024) pups in north central Maine with some unique "racing stripe" like markings. Our biologist Jon noted that he has seen many animals with similar markings in the Cape Cod Massachusetts area too. (Below)

A pack we have just started to monitor in the more southern part of Maine. (Left)

A few different vocalizations from a single Canis communicating with another animal in the distance. One or two Canis can often sound like a large group of animals with the different types of sounds an individual can make as demonstrated above.